HR Vision

The Human Resources Department seeks to maintain, service and develop the human cadres of the company during the selection of the best cadres and training and improve their living conditions and solve their problems, taking care of their job stability.

 HR Vision
Training and Development

Training and Development

The company believes that the human resource is the most important element .. Therefore, always strives to develop the skills of all employees and provides different knowledge opportunities through the organization of training programs inside and outside the company, including programs carried out outside the country .. Note that the training needs are identified through you and through your direct boss according to business requirements. The company also promotes and rehabilitates the internal trainers through the internal training regulations that give the trainers rewards for training and scientific material


At all levels of our organization, employee selection is carried out through a coordinated approach between the Directorate of Human Resources and the relevant unit. Hiring is carried out in accordance with Global Pharma standards pertaining to education, experience , personal qualities and skills.

Job Vacancies
Job Vacancies